Aging is widespread worldwide and a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Mechanisms underlying aging have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Remarkably, aging and CVD overlap in numerous ways, with deregulated nutrient sensing as a common mechanism and lifestyle as a communal modifier. Interestingly, lifestyle triggers or suppresses multiple nutrient-related signaling pathways. In this review, we first present the composition of the nutrient-sensing network (NSN) and its metabolic impact on aging and CVD. Second, we review how risk factors closely associated with CVD, including adverse life states such as sedentary behavior, sleep disorders, high-fat diet, and psychosocial stress, contribute to aging and CVD, with a focus on the bridging role of the NSN. Finally, we focus on the positive effects of beneficial dietary interventions, specifically dietary restriction and the Mediterranean diet, on the regulation of nutrient metabolism and the delayed effects of aging and CVD that depend on the balance of the NSN. In summary, we expound on the interaction between lifestyle, NSN, aging, and CVD.