The article examines the EU approach towards China in terms of dealing with the hybrid threats. The study is based on the method of systemic analysis. It is revealed that the EU intention to strengthen its role in the international arena and to reduce dependence on third countries in providing critical infrastructure, as well as its solidarity with the rhetoric and practice of the USA to limit the economic influence of China, provokes a debate on the PRC’s activity within the framework of the narrative of hybrid threats. The documents of the European Parliament contain the majority of accusations of China in creating such threats. The Commission and the Council of the EU are trying to adhere to a less politicized tone, but their publications also contain references to the RPC as an actor of hybrid threats. The approach of the EU’s “institutional triangle” is also illustrated by the documents of the European External Action Service, EU agencies, and specialized think tanks. The EU institutions are seeking to limit China’s role in every area, from investment to education and media.