Hologram is regarded as a key platform for large-volume data storage and information encryption. Diversity of plasmonic nanostructures makes it being a kind of vibrant hologram memory media. However, recording of amplitude, phase and polarization of light is restricted by difficulty to obtain anisotropic morphology of metal particles. Photocatalysis approach allows wide size distribution of Ag plasmonic nanoparticles after a long growth time on titania but suffers from the disadvantage that the shape of plasmonic nanostructures is mostly isotropic, which weakens optical vector sensitivity and information stability. Herein, Ag nanocubes exhibiting high polarization response ability are deposited on orderly mesoporous titania via UV photocatalysis. Recording efficiency of hologram by orthogonally linearly polarized lights is enhanced and the memorized information can be resistant to UV-erasure, both benefiting from the distal resonance of Ag nanocubes. This work delivers a guideline for long-term data storage and high-efficiency display devices.