This study aimed to construct a structural equation model to predict the quality of life of caregivers of individuals with Parkinson's disease.A cross-sectional survey using a structured questionnaire in South Korea.A total of 208 subjects participated in this study from August 31 to November 26, 2015. The questionnaire included caregiving appraisal, social support, educational program needs, and the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-Carer.Participants were either spouses (46.2%) or adult children (45.2%) of individuals with Parkinson's disease. The mean score obtained on the caregiver's quality of life was 40.94 ± 25.30. Social support, caregiving appraisal, and educational program needs were the predictors, explaining 67.0% of the variance in caregivers' quality of life.Predicting the quality of life is useful for the development of support resources for caregivers of individuals with Parkinson's disease. Further studies exploring the multidimensional aspects of caregivers' quality of life are needed.Rehabilitation nurses should identify caregivers at high risk in order to improve their quality of life. Nurses should assess education program needs and caregiving appraisal of caregivers of individuals with Parkinson's disease and develop a customized intervention program.