Instability, turbulence, and relaminarization in the attachment-line region of swept and unswept cylindrical bodies are studied by numerical solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations. The flow is simulated over a strip containing the attachment-line and treated as homogeneous in the spanwise direction; the disturbances decay exponentially upstream. Transpiration through the wall may be prescribed. The new method, which admits completely general disturbance, agrees with published linear-stability results, which were limited to an apparently restrictive form of disturbance. Fully developed turbulent solutions with sweep are generated and compare well with the experiment. The turbulence is subcritical (except for blowing), resulting in large hysteresis loops. By lowering the sweep Reynolds number, or increasing the suction, the turbulent flow is made to relaminarize. The relaminarization Reynolds number is much less sensitive to suction than the linear-stability Reynolds number. Extensive attempts to detect the postulated nonlinear instability of the unswept flow failed, suggesting that this flow is linearly and nonlinearly stable.