RE3+ (RE = Pr, Sm, Er, Tm)-activated CaZnOS samples were prepared by a solid-state reaction method at high temperature, and their photoluminescence properties were investigated. Doping with RE3+ (RE = Pr, Sm, Er, Tm) into layered-CaZnOS resulted in typical RE3+ (RE = Pr, Sm, Er, Tm) f-f line absorptions and emissions, as well as the charge transfer band of Sm3+ at about 3.3 eV. The energy level scheme containing the position of the 4f and 5d levels of all divalent and trivalent lanthanide ions with respect to the valence and conduction bands of CaZnOS has been constructed based on the new data presented in this work, together with the data from literature on Ce3+ and Eu2+ doping in CaZnOS. The detailed energy level scheme provides a platform for interpreting the optical spectra and could be used to comment on the valence stability of the lanthanide ions in CaZnOS.