期刊:International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing日期:2012-11-01被引量:6
Most of the current high power light emitting diode (LED) street lighting systems are designed for illumination without any intelligent control and can not adjust the illumination status efficiently. A few of the LED street lighting systems have intelligent control, however, they can neither automatically detect the illumination status of the systems nor adjust the systems manually. Wired cable controls are adopted in most current illumination management systems to adjust the illumination status of the LED street lamps, but with disadvantages of complicated communication protocols, high construction cost and high operation cost. In this paper, a low cost real-time intelligent control system will be put forward to overcome the drawbacks of the current LED lighting systems mentioned above. It is based on a Microchip PIC16F877A Micro Controller Unit (MCV), combined with a temperature module based on DS18B20 and a clock module based on DS1302, and programmed to output Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the output current. The system can stably output the PWM signal during experiments and all the design requirements are realized.