Luciana Santos de Oliveira,Thayna Queiroz Menezes da Silva,Erikles Macêdo Barbosa,Jeane Martinha dos Anjos Cordeiro,Luciano Cardoso Santos,Patrícia Costa Henriques,Bianca Reis Santos,Daniela de Oliveira Gusmão,Isabella Oliveira de Macedo,Raphael E. Szawka,Juneo Freitas Silva
Background: Hypothyroidism causes ovarian dysfunction and infertility in women, in addition to being associated with hyperprolactinemia and reduced hypothalamic expression of kisspeptin (Kp). However, it remains unknown whether and how Kp is able to reverse the ovarian dysfunction caused by hypothyroidism. Methods: Hypothyroidism was induced in adult female Wistar rats using 6-propyl-2-thiouracil for 3 months. In the last month, half of the animals received Kp10. Blood samples were collected for dosage of free thyroxine, thyrotropin (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), progesterone (P4), and estradiol (E2), and uteruses and ovaries were collected for histomorphometry. Body and ovarian weight and the number of corpora lutea were also evaluated. Half of the brains were evaluated by immunohistochemistry to Kp, and the other half had the arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus (ARC) and preoptic area microdissected for gene evaluation of Kiss1, Nkb, Pdyn, and Gnrh1. The pituitary gland and corpora lutea were also dissected for gene evaluation. Results: Hypothyroidism kept the animals predominantly acyclic and promoted a reduction in ovarian weight, number of corpora lutea, endometrial thickness, number of endometrial glands, and plasma LH, in addition to increasing the luteal messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of Star and Cyp11a1 and reducing 20αHsd. An increase in plasma PRL and P4 levels was also caused by hypothyroidism. Kp immunoreactivity and Kiss1 and Nkb mRNA levels in the ARC and Kiss1 in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus of hypothalamus were reduced in hypothyroid rats. Hypothyroid animals had lower pituitary gene expression of Gnrhr, Lhb, Prl, and Drd2, and an increase in Tshb. The treatment with Kp10 restored estrous cyclicality, plasma LH, ovarian and uterine morphology, and Cyp11a1, 3βHsd, and 20αHsd mRNA levels in the corpora lutea. Kp10 treatment did not alter gene expression for Kiss1 or Nkb in the ARC of hypothyroid rats. Nevertheless, Kp10 increased Lhb mRNA levels and reduced Tshb in the pituitary compared with the hypothyroid group. Conclusions: The present findings characterize the inhibitory effects of hypothyroidism on the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in female rats and demonstrate that Kp10 is able to reverse the ovarian dysfunction caused by hypothyroidism, regardless of hyperprolactinemia.