Bimetallic sulfides possess great interest in energy storage application because of its multiple merits. In the present work, petal shaper CuCo 2 S 4 @GO was prepared by simple hydrothermal method and serves an active electrode to analyze for supercapacitor applications. FESEM images shows that wrapping of GO on the surface of CuCo 2 S 4 shows petal shaped needle like structure with minute pores in it. It is noted that GO wrapped CuCo 2 S 4 delivers the excellent electrochemical performance with the specific capacitance of about 900 Fg −1 with the capacity retention of about 80% after 5000 cycles. Addition to this asymmetric capacitor was fabricated by using CuCo 2 S 4 @ GO (3%) and AC as positive and negative electrode and delivers the higher energy and power density (47.2 Wh·kg −1 , 0.896 kW·kg −1 ) and long cycling stability after 10,000 cycles. The electrochemical performance shows that CuCo 2 S 4 @GO will be a great electrode for energy storage applications. • In the present work, petal shaper CuCo 2 S 4 @GO was prepared by simple hydrothermal method . • GO wrapped CuCo 2 S 4 delivers the excellent electrochemical performance with the specific capacitance of about 900 Fg -1 with the capacity retention of 80% after 5000 cycles. • Asymmetric capacitor was fabricated by using CuCo 2 S 4 @ GO (3%) and AC as positive and negative electrode and delivers the higher energy and power density (47.2 Wh·kg −1 , 0.896 kW·kg −1 )