As a medium by which public opinion is spread, public welfare posters use the elements of visual symbols and words to reflect social problems, guide the public to examine, coordinate and solve problems and move public welfare programs in a positive direction with the unique artistic charm, rich connotation, distinctive themes and other relevant poster visual languages.However, whether the information conveyed by the poster can be effectively accepted by the public, so as to change their thoughts and actions, depends on the factors such as the visual expression method, the choice of subject and content, emotional appeal and psychological identity of the poster design.Based on several aspects of cognitive psychology, this paper studies public welfare posters for wildlife protection.This paper is composed of three parts: The first chapter gives a brief overview of public welfare posters, and then analyzes and studies the current situation of public welfare posters in China and abroad.The second chapter briefly describes cognitive psychology and discusses the influence of cognitive psychology on public welfare poster design.The third chapter, based on cognitive psychology, discusses the innovative way of public welfare poster design.First of all, it is necessary to understand the audience, choose the right design symbol elements, and strengthen the visual effect of the poster, so as to trigger the psychological recognition of the public, so that the social value and publicity function of the public welfare poster can be increased to the maximum.Through the research of this topic, the analysis of public welfare poster design from the perspective of cognitive psychology can provide designers with new design thinking and methods, so as to promote the development of public welfare poster design towards the direction of diversification.