Abstract Background Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal (GI) malignancy and the third leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. In the current case-control study, an association between diagnosis of CRC, obesity and diabetes was investigated. Methods Demographic characteristics, colonoscopy reports, history of drug, smoking, and medical history were collected from patients referred to a colonoscopy unit. The location, size and number of the polyps were recorded during the colonoscopy. Statistically, t -test was conducted for mean comparison for the groups. Pearson’s chi-squared test (χ2) was applied to categorize variables. Five classification methods based on the important clinicopathological characteristics such as age, BMI, diabetes, family history of colon cancer was performed to predict the results of colonoscopy. Results Overall, 693 patients participated in this study. In the present study, 115 and 515 patients were evaluated for adenoma/adenocarcinoma and normal colonoscopy, respectively. The mean age of patients positive for adenoma or adenocarcinoma were significantly higher than the negative groups ( p value < 0.001). Incidence of overweight and/or obesity (BMI > 25 kg/m2) were significantly higher in adenoma positive patients as compared to controls (49.9 and 0.9% respectively, p value = 0.04). The results also demonstrated a significant association between suffering from diabetes and having colon adenoma (OR = 1.831, 95%CI = 1.058–3.169, p value = 0.023). The experimental results of 5 classification methods on higher risk factors between colon adenoma and normal colonoscopy data were more than 82% and less than 0.42 for the percentage of classification accuracy and root mean squared error, respectively. Conclusions In the current study, the occurrence of obesity measured based on BMI and diabetes in the adenoma positive patient group was significantly higher than the control group although there was no notable association between obesity, diabetes and adenocarcinoma.