Abstract The present study investigated whether a three‐times compared to two‐times feeding frequency during lactation affects sows' body condition, reproductive performance as well as growth performance of the piglets . In a commercial farm, eight groups (8–10 animals) with a total number of 68 sows were included in the study. During lactation, four groups received feed two times (treatment 2 DF ) and four groups three times daily (treatment 3 DF ). Within treatments, sows were classified into young (<2 parities) and old (≥3 parities). Body condition score ( BCS ), shoulder lesions, return to estrus rate and piglet's growth performance were recorded. The 3 DF sows had a higher ( p < 0.05) feed intake and less shoulder lesions ( p < 0.05) than 2 DF animals. Return to estrus rate in the 3 DF treatment was 0% for young and 29% for old sows. In the 2 DF treatment return to estrus rate was 20% for young and 5% for old sows. In conclusion, three‐times versus two‐times daily feeding frequency during lactation increased feed intake and had a positive effect on sows’ BCS and the frequency of shoulder lesions, while it also reduced incidents of return to estrus rate in young sows.