Polymeric materials used in spacecraft require to be protected with an atomic oxygen (AO)-resistant layer because AO can degrade these polymers when spacecraft serves in low earth orbit (LEO) environment. However, mechanical damage on AO-resistant coatings can expose the underlying polymers to AO erosion, shortening their service life. In this study, the fabrication of durable AO-resistant coatings that are capable of autonomously healing mechanical damage under LEO environment is presented. The self-healing AO-resistant coatings are comprised of 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone (UPy)-functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) (denoted as UPy-POSS) that forms hydrogen-bonded three-dimensional supramolecular polymers. The UPy-POSS supramolecular polymers can be conveniently deposited on polyimides by a hot pressing process. The UPy-POSS polymeric coatings are mechanically robust, thermally stable, and transparent and have a strong adhesion toward polyimides to endure repeated bending/unbending treatments and thermal cycling. The UPy-POSS polymeric coatings exhibit excellent AO attack resistance because of the formation of epidermal SiO