Edge computing is a new emerging technology which focuses on finding computation power near Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as sensors, smart phones, and many more advanced devices. The process of creating, collecting and analysing real-time resources, in IoT gadgets that provide information. In case of edge analytics, the data is moved to the next step, where more data is obtained and analysed before non-delaying steps are taken. Computing in edge is known for its performance at moment or in software applications. Edge computing focuses on eliminating challenges of IoT devices such as congestion of networks, latency and data management. The area of computer vision also uses the edge computing technique. Edge computing processes the computer vision in order to reduce the cost of transmission of data. Edge computing also processes sample of video without sending it to the cloud or any other storage unit. This paper describes use of edge computing technology in IoT and computer vision applications. Construction of computers on edge and also provides insight into the most prominent key players in this domain. And types of peripheral devices, research challenges endured by researchers in IoT and Computer vision area.