Beatriz Haydee Belmonte-Herrera,J. Abraham Domínguez‐Ávila,J. Fernando Ayala‐Zavala,Martín Valenzuela‐Melendres,Orlando Tortoledo‐Ortiz,Gustavo A. González‐Aguilar
Guava and mamey are phenolic- and carotenoid-rich fruits with potential health benefits, but are minimally used as ingredients in functional beverages. The objectives of the present work are to optimize the content of guava and mamey pulps and a stevia solution in the formulation of a functional beverage with high content of bioactive compounds and sensory acceptability using a mixture design analysis, and to analyze its composition after in vitro digestion. The optimized formulation (17.77 and 19.23 g of guava and mamey pulps, respectively; 1% stevia solution) yielded a beverage with 418.21 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 mL and 0.20 mg β-carotene/100 mL, and an antioxidant capacity of 213.58, 78.90 and 234.03 mg Trolox equivalents (TE)/100 mL using three methodologies. The mathematical model developed was significant (p < 0.05), according to R2 values between 0.70 and 0.75. α- and β-carotene were quantified during the oral phase of in vitro digestion. Gallic, p-coumaric, ferulic and chlorogenic acids were also identified. The beverage had a general acceptability of 6.72. We conclude that the mathematical model developed was a good predictor of the experimental data and that the optimized beverage contained high bioactive concentrations (phenolics and carotenoids) and was well-accepted by potential consumers.