Hydrodynamic and anthropogenic disturbances co-shape microbiota rhythmicity and community assembly within intertidal groundwater-surface water continuum
Tidal hydrodynamics drive the groundwater-seawater exchange and shifts in microbiota structure in the coastal zone. However, how the coastal water microbiota structure and assembly patterns respond to periodic tidal fluctuations and anthropogenic disturbance remains unexplored in the intertidal groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) continuum, although it affects biogeochemical cycles and coastal water quality therein. Here, through hourly time-series sampling in the saltmarsh tidal creek, rhythmic patterns of microbiota structure in response to daily and monthly tidal fluctuations in intertidal surface water are disentangled for the first time. The similarity in archaeal community structures between groundwater and ebb-tide surface water (R2=0.06, p = 0.2) demonstrated archaeal transport through groundwater discharge, whereas multi-source transport mechanisms led to unique bacterial biota in ebb-tide water. Homogeneous selection (58.6%-69.3%) dominated microbiota assembly in the natural intertidal GW-SW continuum and the presence of 157 rhythmic ASVs identified at ebb tide and 141 at flood tide could be attributed to the difference in environmental selection between groundwater and seawater. For intertidal groundwater in the tidal creek affected by anthropogenically contaminated riverine inputs, higher microbial diversity and shift in community structure were primarily controlled by increased co-contribution of dispersal limitation and drift (jointly 57.8%) and enhanced microbial interactions. Overall, this study fills the knowledge gaps in the tide-driven water microbial dynamics in coastal transition zone and the response of intertidal groundwater microbiota to anthropogenic pollution of overlying waters. It also highlights the potential of microbiome analysis in enhancing coastal water quality monitoring and identifying anthropogenic pollution sources (e.g., pathogenic Vibrio in aquaculture) through the detection of rhythmic microbial variances associated with intertidal groundwater discharge and seawater intrusion.