Student community universities is now one of the indispensable important component in the department, and university college, the students had enough time, part-time in learning outside school can play and other activities, can take part in campus activities in the school.The existence of the club activities greatly improves the students' interest in school and enriches the students' life.In order to facilitate the management of club activities and guide the value orientation of most club students, a set of perfect club management system is very necessary.To this end, I applied MyEclipse technology and the use of Navicat for MySQL database system and Tomcat7 developed based on B/S structure (Browser/Server, Browser/Server structure) college student community management system this procedure.The system is divided into student entrance and administrator entrance, the system is divided into two kinds of end entrance: one is the undifferentiated tourist/ordinary user login port without verification; The other is the administrator's exclusive login port, and the administrator port will enter different edit operation interfaces according to their different permissions.The system includes association home page, announcement information, station news, rules and regulations, association information, association introduction and three kinds of administrator background management.It is easy to use, intuitive, real-time, simple operation, high efficiency.With the help of Sogou browser, we can conveniently browse all kinds of information of the community, and can see all the hot news published in the station and the community news, the news in the station includes the weather, campus fun, entertainment around and hot news to strengthen our understanding of the big and small things around.