Abstract We consider the following Schrödinger–Poisson system {−Δu+V(x)u+λϕ(x)u=ulogu2,x∈ℝ3,(0.1)−Δϕ=u2,lim|x|→+∞ϕ(x)=0, where λ∈R is a parameter, V∈C(R3,R+) is a coercive potential. We prove that, if V(x)∼(log|x|)12 at infinity, then the energy functional I λ associated with (0.1) fails to be C 1 , and there is λ0>0 such that (0.1) has a ground state uλ0 for any λ∈(0,λ0) , which blows up as λ→0+ , but if V(x)=V(|x|)∼(log|x|)α with α∈(0,1) at infinity, then there exists a sequence λn→0+ such that each uλn0 must be non-radially symmetric. However, if V ( x ) grows like |x|γ ( γ > 0) at infinity, we show that the functional I λ is of C 1 and (0.1) has a ground state uλ1 for each λ < 0 which is radially symmetric. Also, the limit behavior of uλ1 as λ→0− is discussed.