Energy remains to be a big challenge of the current century and therefore the issues related to it, including its production and storage, are among the important research topics today. Consequently, the search for new materials for energy storage devices is of fundamental importance. The fast charge/discharge, cycle stability, and considerable specific capacitance (Cs) of supercapacitors (SCs) has changed them to greatly interesting energy storage devices. To these advantages can be added higher power density and the reasonable cost of the electrode materials used in corresponding instruments. Metals tungstates are among the electrode materials with considerable cyclic performance, large rate capability, and Cs. Metal tungstates further reveal high crystal density, short radiation periods, outstanding optical character and resistance to radiation damage. For the first time, the methods of production of metal tungstates in recent years have been reviewed in this paper. In addition, the methods of strengthening the supercapacitive properties of metal tungstates have been reviewed.