The heat capacity of Cr${\mathrm{Br}}_{3}$ shows a lambda anomaly peaked at 32.55\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}K, a temperature somewhat lower than the reported Curie temperature of 37\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}K. Assuming the validity of the spin-wave dispersion relation of Davis and Narath, the entire magnetic heat capacity was derived. As is typical of a predominantly two-dimensional structure, this curve yields a large amount of entropy and energy order $\frac{({S}_{\ensuremath{\infty}}\ensuremath{-}{S}_{c})}{R}=0.62$ and $\frac{({E}_{\ensuremath{\infty}}\ensuremath{-}{E}_{c})}{({E}_{\ensuremath{\infty}}\ensuremath{-}{E}_{0})}=0.72$.