In this work, polymeric biocomposites of poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), PBAT, were reinforced with Munguba fibers (Pseudobombax munguba). This tree is found in great abundance in the marshy areas of the Amazon forest. The motivation for using this fiber in polymer composites comes from the fact that although research for this fiber has not been reported in the scientific literature, it is commonly used by the local population because its bark is strong and flexible. Most important is that the extraction of Munguba fibers does not damage the supplier tree because as it is extracted from the bark, its regeneration starts as it is removed. The fibers were chemically treated by mercerization/acetylation and evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and tensile tests. The Munguba fiber presented mechanical properties similar to those of other natural fibers traditionally used in composites, and the chemical treatment provided improvements of its thermal stability and stiffness. The biocomposites showed a better elastic modulus in relation to the pure PBAT. The addition of fibers caused changes in the T
g, T
m and T
c of PBAT as observed by differential scanning calorimetry analysis. The Russel, Halpin-Tsai and Maxwell models were employed to provide the theoretical elastic modulus of the biocomposites.