期刊:Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-asce [American Society of Civil Engineers] 日期:2004-11-16卷期号:130 (6): 523-529被引量:52
A dropshaft is an energy dissipator connecting two channels with a drop in invert elevation. The hydraulics of vertical rectangular shafts was systematically investigated in seven configurations. A particular emphasis was on the effects of shaft pool, outflow direction, and drop height, while geometrically similar shafts (scale 3.1:1) were studied using a Froude similitude. The results demonstrate that rectangular dropshafts with 90° outflow are the most efficient energy dissipators. The shaft pool and drop height have little effect on the rate of energy dissipation. Recirculation time results exhibited marked differences between flow regimes and the longest dimensionless residence times were observed at low flow rates. Although basic flow characteristics were similar between model and prototype, observations of dimensionless bubble penetration depths and recirculation times showed some discrepancy, highlighting limitations of the Froude similitude for studies of air entrainment and residence times in dropshafts.