The conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm has been employed in behavioral studies to investigate the responses to an environment where a reinforcing event occurs. It is applied to reveal incentive motivational responses to reward-related stimuli. It is standardized and widely applied in mice and rats, two of the most common species of laboratory animals. However, no studies using the CPP protocol have been performed in rabbits, even though this animal model is commonly used in pharmacological and behavioral research. There are important physiological and behavioral differences between rodents and rabbits. For example, rodents are spontaneous ovulators while rabbits are induced ovulators. In addition, lactation in the rabbit is circadian, which is unique among mammals. The present investigation aims to establish whether rabbits can be conditioned by using a food-induced CPP protocol in subjects with caloric restriction. Adult female rabbits were subjected to a three-compartment CPP protocol. The food produced place preference, demonstrating for the first time that rabbits can be conditioned using the CPP paradigm opening a new field of opportunities for behavioral studies of positive affective states in a species with important behavioral and physiological differences from rodents.