This volume discusses the challenges posed by digitalisation in the field of education from different professional perspectives. Authors from various disciplines analyse general theoretical questions, present current empirical findings, discuss didactic models and projects, and consider the use of digital media in tertiary education. In addition, they present specific projects from educational practice. With contributions by Alessandro Barberi, Gerhard Brandhofer, Josef Buchner, Markus Ebner, Martin Ebner, Nicole Duller, Walter Fikisz, Sonja Gabriel, Barbara Getto, Nina Grünberger, Elke Höfler, Fares Kayali, Michael Kerres, Philipp Leitner, Peter Micheuz, Marlene Miglbauer, Thomas Nárosy, Daniel Otto, Alexander Pfeiffer, Claudia Schreiner, Carmen Sippl, Elke Szalai, Caroline Roth-Ebner, Karin Tengler, Manfred Tetz, Christine W. Trültzsch-Wijnen, Thomas Wernbacher, Christian Wiesner