The use of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) allows for much smaller cross-sections compared to conventional reinforced concrete columns, which may make reinforced UHPC (R-UHPC) columns more susceptible to slenderness effects. Currently, there is no guideline in design standards for the slenderness limit of R-UHPC columns. This paper, therefore, attempts to develop a design provision for determining the slenderness limit of R-UHPC columns. Firstly, a numerical analytical model was proposed for predicting the load-deflection of R-UHPC columns under eccentric loading, which was validated by comparing its predictions with available experimental results from the available literature. Based on the validated model, a parametric study was then conducted to determine the key parameters affecting the slenderness limit of R-UHPC columns. It was found that the slenderness limit corresponding to the 5% strength reduction was sensitive to the ultimate compressive strain of UHPC, the tensile strength of UHPC, and the reinforcement ratio. On this basis, a design equation for the slenderness limit of R-UHPC columns in single curvature was statistically derived. Additionally, the slenderness limit for R-UHPC columns in non-sway frames was also proposed in a convenient form for design procedures.