Six oligosaccharides were discovered and isolated for the first time from Ziziphi Spinosae Semen. On the basis of spectroscopic analysis, their structures were determined to be verbascose (1), verbascotetraose (2), stachyose (3), manninotriose (4), raffinose (5), and melibiose (6). The prebiotic effect of the oligosaccharide fraction was assayed by eight gut bacterial growth in vitro, revealing a significant increase in cell density, up to 4-fold, for Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Lactobacillus johnsonii. The impact of six oligosaccharides with different degrees of polymerization (DPs) and structures on the growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus was evaluated. As a result, stachyose and raffinose demonstrated superior support for bacterial growth compared to the other oligosaccharides. This study explored the structure-activity relationship of raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) and showed that the more the monosaccharide type, the more supportive the gut bacteria growth when oligosaccharides have the same molecular weight.