The inhibitory effects of Euryale ferox seed shell extract (EFSSE) on the activity of α-amylase and α-glucosidase were studied. EFSSE (0.25 % to 2 %) was used to fortify bread and analyzed the in vitro starch digestibility (IVSD) digestion kinetics, and the predicted glycemic index (pGI) was estimated. The swarm intelligence supervised neural network (SISNN) technique was applied for the predictive simulation of digestion kinetics and pGI. Principal component analysis (PCA) with proportional odds modeling (POM) was used to find the most sensitive component based on the sensory attributes of bread. The inhibitory effect of EFSSE on α-amylase and α-glucosidase in terms of IC50 was 62.95 and 52.06 μg/mL, respectively. Fortification of bread with EFSSE could affect loaf volume, hardness, and color. Euryale ferox seed shell extract could decreased the rate of hydrolysis of bread. EFSSE (2 %) had a strong inhibitory impact, as evidenced by the drop in glycemic index from 94.61 to 61.66. SISNN-based kinetics was much better as compared to mathematical modeling-based digestion kinetics. Findings of the present study have shown that EFSSE could be employed as an additive to produce lower glycemic index functional bread.