The threshold switching behavior of Pt/NbO x /TiN devices is investigated as a function device area and NbO x film thickness and shown to reveal important insight into the structure of the self-assembled switching region. The devices exhibit combined selector-memory (1S1R) behavior after an initial voltage-controlled forming process, but exhibit symmetric threshold switching when the RESET and SET currents are kept below a critical value. In this mode, the threshold and hold voltages are independent of the device area and film thickness but the threshold current (power), while independent of device area, decreases with increasing film thickness. These results are shown to be consistent with a structure in which the threshold switching volume is confined, both laterally and vertically, to the region between the residual memory filament and the TiN electrode, and where the memory filament has a core-shell structure comprising a metallic core and a semiconducting shell. The veracity of this structure is demonstrated by comparing experimental results with the predictions of a simple circuit model, and more detailed finite element simulations. These results provide further insight into the structure and operation of NbO x threshold switching devices that have application in emerging memory and neuromorphic computing fields.