Energy Storage: Hollow NiCo2S4 Nanospheres Hybridized with 3D Hierarchical Porous rGO/Fe2O3 Composites toward High‐Performance Energy Storage Device (Adv. Energy Mater. 16/2018)
In article number 1703453, Zexiang Chen, Zhiming M. Wang, Yu-Lun Chueh and co-workers, synthesize hierarchical hollow NiCo2S4 microspheres with a tunable interior architecture by a facile and cost-effective hydrothermal method and is used as a cathode material. A three-dimensional (3D) porous reduced graphene oxide/Fe2O3 composite (rGO/Fe2O3) with precisely controlled particle size and morphology is successfully prepared through a scalable facile approach, with well-dispersed Fe2O3 nanoparticles decorating the surface of rGO sheets.