Thirukkumar Subramani,G. Hemalatha,S. Vellaikumar,Amutha Sundararajan,M. Murugan
Abstract Food processing techniques reduce pesticide residue accumulation in food components. The present study investigated the effectiveness of simple processing techniques, such as roasting, soaking, autoclaving, and storage conditions on 27 selected pesticides belongs to the class of organophosphates (OPs), organochlorines (OCPs), and pyrethroids (PPs) in pesticide fortified cottonseed. The residue concentration was analyzed by gas chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) from the extract of differently treated samples as untreated and pesticide‐free, pesticide‐fortified and pesticide‐fortified cum processed cottonseed. Recovery values of the residues ranged from 78.20 to 114% by the application of 1, 5, and 10 μg/g of pesticide in pesticide‐free cottonseed. The pesticide residue concentration were presented in nondetected level to the pesticide‐free sample. Otherwise, pesticide‐treated samples contained all pesticide residues ranging from 856 to 1,138 ng/g of OPs, 782 to 1,058 ng/g of OCPs and 857 to 1,140 ng/g of PPs, which has higher than the maximum residue limits (MRLs) as set by the Japan Food Chemical Research Foundation (FFCR) for cottonseed. Among the different processing methods, autoclave sample had less number of residues (three compounds) followed by stored (five compounds), soaked (seven compounds) and roasted (eight compounds) samples. The stored cottonseeds contained residues for phorate, total lindane excluding δ‐lindane and deltamethrin at the end of storage. Nevertheless, the residue from phorate (88.93 ng/g), δ‐lindane (69.32 ng/g) and deltamethrin (128.64 ng/g) has exceeded the concentration of MRL's for 0.05, 0.01, and 0.04 mg/kg, respectively. The finding indicates that the most effective method for reducing the pesticide residues was autoclaved treatment from the respective pesticide‐fortified cottonseed sample.