Hari Balakrishnan,Abhilash Suryan,Anu P. Alex,S. Shanmuga Sundara Raj,Guang Zhang
Energy-efficient solutions are a necessity for sustainable urban logistics. Unmanned aerial vehicles need to develop effective algorithms for path planning in areas with high levels of traffic, obstructions, and energy limits, particularly in urban settings. This study on "Cooperative Aerial Path Planning for Autonomous Air Mobility" emphasizes the integration of energy-efficient strategies with optimal path planning that maintain safety and efficiency. Effective path planning may significantly reduce energy usage by streamlining routes, eliminating pointless directional changes, and enabling safe navigation in the complicated environment provided by an urban setting. The A-star(A*) algorithm was tested using a simulation in a two-dimensional space with low-altitude urban airspace that had random obstacles, including use of Euclidean, Manhattan, Diagonal, Octile, Chebyshev, and Weighted A* heuristic functions. The outcome also shows that the Euclidean, Diagonal, Octile, and Chebyshev heuristics all had optimal paths within approximately the same computational time, especially with diagonal movement being allowed. The Manhattan heuristic was significantly worse in other respects, as it bounds the movement to grid-aligned directions leading to longer paths and higher computational cost. Weighted A* offers a compromise between path length and resource usage; thus flexibility is maintained across different scenarios. This will bring out the importance of heuristic choice in relation to path length and computational efficiency. Understanding this will further the development of UAV path planning in urban contexts, merging energy efficiency with operational effectiveness in the realm of sustainable urban logistics.