Testicular tumors represent the most common solid organ malignancy in young and adult males. Sex cord-stromal tumors are the second-largest group of primary testicular cancers, after germ-cell tumors. Sertoli cell (SC) tumors of the testis are relatively rare, accounting for only a small fraction of testicular tumors. Here, we report on a 17-year-old male diagnosed with a testicular tumor, which was identified during a routine physical examination at a military recruitment center. A hard lump was detected on the lower pole of the left testicle. Ultrasonography confirmed a solid lump with lobular borders. A left orchiectomy was performed, with pathology findings consistent with a SC tumor. Imaging showed no evidence of secondary tumor spread. Follow-up did not detect a recurrence of the tumor or any signs of spread. This case strengthens the importance of physical examination of male genitalia, particularly by experienced medical physicians, that may detect testicular tumors and prevent morbidity and mortality. This case study may add to the ongoing debate and inconsistent recommendations on the need for testicular examination in general and, more specifically, testicular self-examination or testicular examination by the physician.