The toxic effects of insecticides on predatory arthropods have closely related to their exposure routes. However, little is known about the effects of insecticide on reproductive parameters when the route of exposure occurs at a trophic level via prey intake. We therefore conducted current studies assessing whether Eocanthecona furcellata adults would be affected by feeding with λ-cyhalothrin-contaminated prey. Reproductive parameters, i.e. prolonged premating and preoviposition durations, reduced number of egg batches and egg amount, disturbed ovarian development, and suppressed expression of reproductive related genes were observed in E. furcellata females by feeding with treated prey. Moreover, reduced survival rate and altered carbohydrate metabolism parameters were detected in male bugs. Biochemical parameters, including MDA content, the activities of three antioxidant enzymes and three detoxification enzymes exhibited sex-specific responses after oral-exposure to λ-cyhalothrin in E. furcellata. The results indicate that the insecticide affects the fitness and leads to impairing reproductive potential via sex-specific modulation manner in predator insects. Taken together, our results provide a comprehensive assessment about detrimental impacts of λ-cyhalothrin-exposure on predators via prey intake, as well as a solid basis for further research to protect the predators from hazardous impacts of insecticides.