Carbon dioxide-fixing acetogenic bacteria (acetogens) utilizing the Wood-Ljungdahl Pathway (WLP) play an important role in CO2 fixation in the biosphere and in the development of biological processes - alone or in cocultures, under both autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions - for production of chemicals and fuels. To date, limited work has been reported in experimentally validating and quantifying reaction fluxes of their core metabolic pathways. Here, the core metabolic model of the acetogen Clostridium ljungdahlii was interrogated using 13C-metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA), which required the development of a new defined culture medium. Autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic growth in defined medium was possible by adding 1 mM methionine to replace yeast extract. Our 13C-MFA found an incomplete TCA cycle and inactive core pathways/reactions, notably those of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, Entner-Doudoroff pathway, and malate dehydrogenase. 13C-MFA during mixotrophic growth using the parallel tracers [1-13C]fructose, [1,2-13C]fructose, [1,2,3-13C]fructose, and [U-13C]asparagine found that externally supplied CO2 contributed the majority of carbon consumed. All internally-produced CO2 from the catabolism of asparagine and fructose was consumed by the WLP. While glycolysis of fructose was active, it was not a major contributor to overall production of ATP, NADH, and acetyl-CoA. Gluconeogenic reactions were active despite the availability of organic carbon. Asparagine was catabolized equally via conversion to threonine and subsequent cleavage to produce acetaldehyde and glycine, and via deamination to fumarate and then the anaplerotic conversion of malate to pyruvate. Both pathways for asparagine catabolism produced acetyl-CoA, either directly via pyruvate or indirectly via the WLP. Cofactor stoichiometry based on our data predicted an essentially zero flux through the ferredoxin-dependent transhydrogenase (Nfn) reaction. Instead, nearly all of NADPH generated from the hydrogenase reaction was consumed by the WLP. Reduced ferredoxin produced by the hydrogenase reaction and glycolysis was mostly used for ATP generation via the RNF/ATPase system, with the remainder consumed by the WLP. NADH produced by RNF/ATPase was entirely consumed via the WLP.