Dyscalculia presenting 3 to 6.5% of all those who need remediation in mathematics to enhance their ability of solving word problem.The study aimed to use sketchnote and working memory-based intervention to enhance word problem solving ability of students with dyscalculia.Thus, the study examined the role of integrated intervention involving both working memories training and using sketchnote technique.The intervention developed per recommendation of recent two themes of intervention, namely, schematic-based instruction and cognitive strategy.The study adopted an experimental group design with three groups, control, experimental (A), Experimental (B).The experimental group (A) engaged in the integrated intervention program, Experimental (B) engaged in sketchnote technique only.The study sample consists of 60 students presenting dyscalculia at third grade purposively selected and distributed equally among groups.The study adopted descriptive statistics, One Way ANCOVA test, Hoteling's Trace to validate study objectives.The analysis results show that the participants of group (A) gained the highest scores compared to other groups in word problem solving, the participants of group (B) exhibited significant difference in mathematical word follow-up test compared to the post-test scores and control group scores, and the integrated intervention program has a higher effect size on improving word mathematical problem solving of students presenting dyscalculia compared to training working memory only.The results implicated that it can be used integrated approaches to betterment the ability of students presenting dyscalculia of solving word problems.