Objective To explore the usefulness and accessibility of different delivery modes of disease‐related education and support, as perceived by younger people with osteoarthritis (OA). Methods People ages 20–55 years with hip or knee OA were recruited from 3 major Australian public hospitals and the community (n = 147). Data were collected on use of disease‐related education and support services, as well as perceived usefulness and accessibility of delivery modes including group‐based programs, online resources, telephone helplines, mailed information, social media, and mobile applications (rated on visual analog scales from 1–10; higher scores indicate greater usefulness or accessibility). Results Very few participants had used social media (5%), group self‐management programs (3%), or telephone helplines (2%) to obtain OA information. Mailed information packs and online education programs were considered the most useful (median usefulness scores 8.0 and 7.0, respectively) and accessible methods (median accessibility scores 10.0 and 9.0, respectively) for providing OA education and support. Social media was perceived as least useful (median usefulness score 2.0) and least accessible; 45% of participants considered it “not at all useful,” while 35% reported it would be “very difficult” to access OA education and support by this means. Less educational attainment was associated with greater perceived difficulty in accessing online/electronic delivery modes, while people in paid work perceived easier access. Conclusion These data highlight the value of mailed information and online education to younger people with OA and can be used to develop targeted resources for individuals of working age. Social media was not a highly valued source of disease‐related education and support.