Abstract A fast convergent non‐singular terminal sliding mode adaptive control law based on prescribed performance is formulated to solve the uncertainties and external disturbances of robot manipulators. First, the tracking error of robot manipulators is transformed by using the prescribed performance function, which improves the transient behaviors and steady‐state accuracy of robot manipulators. Then, a novel fast convergent non‐singular terminal sliding mode surface is brought up according to the transformed error, and the control law is derived to meet the stability requirements of robot manipulators. In practice, the upper boundary of the lumped disturbances cannot be accurately obtained. Therefore, an adaptive prescribed performance control (PPC) controller to lumped disturbances is brought up to ensure the stability and finite‐time convergence of robot manipulators. Finally, the system stability of robot manipulators is proved by the Lyapunov theorem. Simulation results and comparative analysis demonstrate the superiority and robustness of the raised strategy.