O-acetyl-L-homoserine (OAH) is a promising platform compound for the production of L-methionine and other valuable compounds, while its low yield and low conversion rate limit the industrial application. To solve these problems, we constructed a strain for high OAH production with the previously constructed L-homoserine producer Escherichia coli HS33 as the chassis by systematic metabolic engineering. Firstly, PEP accumulation, pyruvate utilization, and OAH synthesis pathway (overexpressing aspB, aspA, and thrAC1034T) were enhanced to obtain an initial strain accumulating 13.37 g/L OAH. Subsequently, the co-factor synthesis genes were integrated to supply reducing power and energy, which increased the yield to 15.79 g/L. The OAH yield of the engineered strain OAH28 was further increased to 17.49 g/L by strengthening the acetic acid reuse pathway, improving the supply of acetyl-CoA, and regulating the expression of MetX from different sources. Finally, in a 5 L fermenter, OAH28 achieved an OAH titer of 47.12 g/L, with a glucose conversion rate of 32% and productivity of 0.59 g/(L·h). The results lay a foundation for increasing the OAH production by metabolic engineering and give insights into the industrial production of OAH.