Abstract Agriculture is one of the sectors that has an important impact, taking into account the problem of sufficient food supply on a global level. The process of predicting the yield of crops is among the most challenging undertakings in the agricultural industry. Agriculture is the main source of income for most developing nations. The purpose of the study is to investigate the significant role that agriculture plays in boosting India's economic growth. Additionally, the research considers the challenges posed by a growing population and a changing environment in terms of agricultural production and food security. The research focuses on analysing the complex characteristics of the agricultural industry, with a particular emphasis on the nutritional importance of tropical fruits, notably bananas and arecanut. These fruits are well-known for their vital nutrients and their role in ensuring world food security. This study acknowledges the importance of sustainable agriculture practices and incorporates sophisticated machine learning algorithms as dynamic tools to forecast crop yields and enhance decision-making processes throughout the crop development cycle. The main aim of this study is to create strong machine learning models and statistical techniques that can accurately predict crop yield by combining a variety of environmental parameters, then assess which models outperform each other. Assist yield projections may provide governments and policymakers with valuable information to make well-informed choices about food security, import–export policies, and resource allocation. It facilitates national- and regional-level food supply planning. The validation method utilises important metrics like R square (R 2 ), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). This present research adds to the continuing discussion on using creative methods to promote sustainable agricultural growth and ensure food security.