Abstract Pure room‐temperature phosphorescence (pRTP) promises great advantages in both exciton utilization and lifetime manipulation over existing organic luminophores for a variety of emerging applications, but the low brightness, low efficiency, and low color purity constrain the afterglow luminescence significantly. Here, a promising approach to design highly bright, efficient, and narrowband pRTP with long‐lifetime for organic hyperafterglow is proposed by isolating a conjugated energy donor with circularly polarized (CP) luminescence and energy acceptor with multi‐resonance effect into a rigid host. It is shown that the aggregation of chiral P‐containing binaphthyl promotes the generation of CP‐pRTP and afterglow with high brightness up to ≈50 cd m −2 , while the simultaneous energy transfer and chirality transfer afford multi‐color organic hyperafterglow with photoluminescence efficiency of ≈90%, full‐width at half maxima of 31–39 nm, lifetime of 120–770 ms, and luminescent dissymmetry of ≈10 −3 . Also, excellent stability capable of resisting quenching effects of oxygen, organic solvents, and aqueous solutions of strong acids and bases are observed. With these advantages, applications of chirality information encryption, afterglow grayscale imaging, and 3D high‐resolution afterglow models are realized, promoting significantly the fundamental understandings on the modulation of organic afterglow brightness and construction of high‐performance pRTP materials with advanced photophysical properties and applications.