Abstract Electrophoretic deposition of the titanium nitride (TiN) coatings from suspensions prepared by dispersion of TiN particles in triethanolamine ( TEA ) containing butanol medium was studied. Effects of the TiN particles concentration ( C T iN ) on the weight of the deposited coatings, triethanolamine concentration ( C TEA =0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 mL /L) on the Zeta potential of the TiN particles, suspension electrical conductivity and pH , as well as effects of the deposition voltage ( V d =60, 90, and 120 V) and time ( t d =1, 2, and 3 minutes) on the microstructure and thickness of the deposited coatings were investigated. Variations in deposition current density, effective deposition voltage, electrical resistance, and deposited coating weight versus deposition time were recorded. The morphology of the as‐dried coatings was studied using Scanning Electron Microscope ( SEM ). The results indicated that by increasing the C T iN the weight of deposits increases linearly up to 40 g/L. For suspensions containing C T iN =40 g/L, the optimum C TEA is obtained to be 0.5 mL /L leading to Zeta potential of 43.25 mV . Uniform and crack‐free as‐dried coatings obtained at V d and t d of 90 V and 2 minutes, respectively.