1 Synthesis of organoselenium compounds 1 Sanjio S. Zade and Harkesh B. Singh 2 Synthesis of organotellurium compounds 181 Sanjio S. Zade and Harkesh B. Singh 3 NMR of organoselenium and organotellurium compounds 277 Arunashree Panda and Harkesh B. Singh 4 Advances in the photochemistry of organoselenium and organotellurium compounds 447 Akihiko Ouchi, Wataru Ando, and Makoto Oba 5 Rearrangements of organoselenium and organotellurium compounds 543 Osamu Niyomura and Toshiaki Murai 6 Electrophilic selenium/tellurium reagents: Reactivity and their contribution to Green Chemistry 569 Claudio Santi and Caterina Tidei 7 Synthesis of selenium and tellurium ylides and carbanions. Application to organic synthesis 657 Joao V. Comasseto, Leandro Piovan, and Edison P. Wendler 8 Organic conductors containing selenium and tellurium 735 Filipe Vilela, Zuzana Vobecka, and Peter J. Skabara 9 Organic diselenides, ditellurides, polyselenides and polytellurides. Synthesis and reactions 765 Vladimir A. Potapov 10 Organic selenocyanates, tellurocyanates and related compounds 845 Akio Toshimitsu 11 Recent advances of structural chemistry of organoselenium and organotellurium compounds 885 Waro Nakanishi, Satoko Hayashi, Masato Hashimoto, Massimiliano Arca, Maria Carla Aragoni, and Vito Lippolis 12 Supramolecular architectures based on M(lone pair) * * * (arene) interactions for M=Se and Te 973 Ignez Caracelli, Ionel Haiduc, Julio Zukerman-Schpector, and Edward R. T. Tiekink 13 Synthesis of biologically relevant small molecules containing selenium. Part A. Antioxidant compounds 989 Antonio L. Braga and Jamal Rafique 14 Synthesis of biologically relevant small molecules containing selenium. Part B. Anti-infective and anticancer compounds 1053 Antonio L. Braga and Jamal Rafique 15 Synthesis of biologically relevant small molecules containing selenium. Part C. Miscellaneous biological activities 1119 Antonio L. Braga and Jamal Rafique 16 Enzyme mimetic chemistry of organoselenium compounds 1175 Debasish Bhowmick and Govindasamy Mugesh 17 Selenium and tellurium derivatives of carbohydrates and nucleotides 1237 Anna Maciaszek, Agnieszka Tomaszewska, and Piotr Guga 18 Selenium and tellurium heterocycles 1279 Margaret E. Logan, Meredith A. Lang, and Michael R. Detty 19 Recent advances in the insertion and extrusion reactions of selenium and tellurium in organic compounds 1361 Frank S. Guziec, Jr. and Lynn James Guziec 20 Organic compounds containing bonds between Se or Te with P, As, Sb and Bi 1401 Toshiaki Murai 21 Coordination chemistry of organoselenium and organotellurium compounds 1433 Yuichiro Mutoh 22 Positively charged selenium- and tellurium-stabilized species 1501 Soichi Sato 23 A summary of functional groups containing selenium and tellurium: A catalog of the many groups that are known and some that are not 1515 Janet E. Hack and Joel F. Liebman Author index 1523 Subject index