Cenobamate is an antiseizure medication for uncontrolled focal seizures. This thorough QT study assessed the effects of therapeutic and supratherapeutic cenobamate doses (maximum recommended dose, 400 mg/day) on correct QT interval (QTc) in healthy adults (N = 108) randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: (A) cenobamate (days 1-63) up-titrated by 50-mg increments weekly to a 200 mg/day therapeutic dose (day 35) and then by 100 mg weekly to a 500 mg/day supratherapeutic dose (day 63), with placebo-moxifloxacin (days -1 and 64); (B) moxifloxacin 400 mg (day -1; positive control), placebo-cenobamate (days 1-63), and placebo-moxifloxacin (day 64); and (C) placebo-moxifloxacin (day -1), placebo-cenobamate (days 1-64), and moxifloxacin 400 mg (day 64). The primary end point was baseline-adjusted, placebo-corrected QTc (ΔΔQTcF; corrected for heart rate [HR] by Fridericia's method) with cenobamate 200 and 500 mg/day. Baseline electrocardiographic parameters were balanced across groups. Mean ΔΔQTcF was negative throughout for cenobamate doses (largest: day 35, -10.8 milliseconds; day 63, -18.4 milliseconds). Based on concentration-QTc analysis, ∆∆QTcF effect was predicted as -9.85 and -17.14 milliseconds at mean peak plasma levels of therapeutic (200 mg/day; 23.06 μg/mL) and supratherapeutic (500 mg/day; 63.96 μg/mL) doses. Cenobamate had no clinically relevant prolonging effect on electrocardiographic parameters (eg, PR, QRS); HR effects were similar to placebo. Cenobamate showed slight dose-related shortening of QTc, but to a degree not known to be clinically relevant (no reductions ≤340 milliseconds). Cenobamate had no clinically relevant effects on HR or electrocardiographic parameters and no QTc-prolonging effect at therapeutic/supratherapeutic doses. Cenobamate is contraindicated in patients with short-QT syndrome and caution should be used when coadministering with drugs that shorten QT interval.