Opium poppy is the only commercial source of the narcotic analgesics morphine and codeine, and semi-synthetic derivatives of the natural opiate precursor thebaine, including oxycodone and the opioid antagonist naloxone. The plant also accumulates the vasodilator and antitussive agents papaverine and noscapine, respectively, which together with morphine, codeine and thebaine comprise the major benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIAs) in opium poppy. A majority of enzymes involved in the highly branched BIA metabolism in opium poppy have now been discovered, with many specifically localized to sieve elements of the phloem based on immunofluorescence labeling techniques. Transcripts corresponding to sieve element-localized biosynthetic enzymes were detected in companion cells, as expected. The more recent application of shotgun proteomics has shown that several enzymes operating late in the morphine and noscapine biosynthetic pathways occur primarily in laticifers that are adjacent or proximal to sieve elements. BIA biosynthesis and accumulation in opium poppy involves three phloem cell types and implicates the translocation of key pathway intermediates between sieve elements and laticifers. The recent isolation of uptake transporters associated with laticifers supports an apoplastic rather than a symplastic route for translocation. In spite of the extensive elucidation of BIA biosynthetic enzymes in opium poppy, additional transporters and other auxiliary proteins are clearly necessary to support the complex spatial organization and dynamics involved in product formation and sequestration. In this review, we provide an update of BIA metabolism in opium poppy with a focus on the role of phloem in the biosynthesis of the major alkaloids.