In vivo diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) derived indices have been demonstrated to quantify accurately white-matter injury after contusion spinal cord injury (SCI) in rodents. In general, a full diffusion tensor analysis requires the acquisition of diffusion-weighted images (DWI) along at least six independent directions of diffusion-sensitizing gradients. Thus, DTI measurements of the rodent central nervous system are time consuming. In this study, diffusion indices derived using the two-direction DWI (parallel and perpendicular to axonal tracts) were compared with those obtained using six-direction DTI in a mouse model of SCI. It was hypothesized that the mouse spinal cord ventral-lateral white-matter (VLWM) tracts, T8–T10 in this study, aligned with the main magnet axis (z) allowing the apparent diffusion coefficient parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the spine to be derived with diffusion-weighting gradients in the z and y axes of the magnet coordinate respectively. Compared with six-direction full tensor DTI, two-direction DWI provided comparable diffusion indices in mouse spinal cords. The measured extent of spared white matter after injury, estimated by anisotropy indices, using both six-direction DTI and two-direction DWI were in close agreement and correlated well with histological staining and behavioral assessment. The results suggest that the two-direction DWI derived indices may be used, with significantly reduced imaging time, to estimate accurately spared white matter in mouse SCI.