Room temperature aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons is highly desirable and remains a great challenge. Here we report a series of highly electrophilic cobalt(III) alkylperoxo complexes, CoIII(qpy)OOR supported by a planar tetradentate quaterpyridine ligand that can directly abstract H atoms from hydrocarbons (R'H) at ambient conditions (CoIII(qpy)OOR + R'H → CoII(qpy) + R'• + ROOH). The resulting alkyl radical (R'•) reacts rapidly with O2 to form alkylperoxy radical (R'OO•), which is efficiently scavenged by CoII(qpy) to give CoIII(qpy)OOR' (CoII(qpy) + R'OO• → CoIII(qpy)OOR'). This unique reactivity enables CoIII(qpy)OOR to function as efficient catalysts for aerobic peroxidation of hydrocarbons (R'H + O2 → R'OOH) under 1 atm air and at room temperature.