期刊:International Journal of Renewable Energy Research [International Journal of Renewable Energy Research] 日期:2019-01-01卷期号: (v9i3)被引量:15
Considering the fulfilment of future energy requirement in the world with green energy, it is necessary to consider the environmental pollution due to the use of conventional fossil fuel sources. Present environmental pollution caused by different fossil energy sources are discussed in detail. Advancement of biofuels as a green energy source and the environmental pollution savings due to the use of biofuel life cycle greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to the fossil fuels are discussed in detail. Finally, emission due to transportation with biofuels are compared with relevant fossil fuels. It is evident that the atmospheric CO 2 and CH 4, emitted as a product of combustion of fossil fuelare the main sources for global warming. It is well understood that the usage of bioethanol as a substitute for gasoline is a green effect saving. Further, bioethanol produced using sugar cane and sugar beet reduces green effect about one third, relative to gasoline. But, vice versa for biodiesel. Considering emission due to transportation with biofuels, compared with relevant fossil fuels, few positive and negative merits could be observed. It can be concluded that usage of bio ethanol as a substitute for gasoline should be promoted considering energy saving and green effect saving.