Mohamed Yafia,Oriol Ymbern,Ayokunle Olanrewaju,Azim Parandakh,Ahmad Sohrabi Kashani,Johan Renault,Zijie Jin,Geunyong Kim,Andy Ng,David Juncker
Chain reactions, characterized by initiation, propagation and termination, are stochastic at microscopic scales and underlie vital chemical (for example, combustion engines), nuclear and biotechnological (for example, polymerase chain reaction) applications1-5. At macroscopic scales, chain reactions are deterministic and limited to applications for entertainment and art such as falling dominoes and Rube Goldberg machines. On the other hand, the microfluidic lab-on-a-chip (also called a micro-total analysis system)6,7 was visualized as an integrated chip, akin to microelectronic integrated circuits, yet in practice remains dependent on cumbersome peripherals, connections and a computer for automation8-11. Capillary microfluidics integrate energy supply and flow control onto a single chip by using capillary phenomena, but programmability remains rudimentary with at most a handful (eight) operations possible12-19. Here we introduce the microfluidic chain reaction (MCR) as the conditional, structurally programmed propagation of capillary flow events. Monolithic chips integrating a MCR are three-dimensionally printed, and powered by the free energy of a paper pump, autonomously execute liquid handling algorithms step-by-step. With MCR, we automated (1) the sequential release of 300 aliquots across chained, interconnected chips, (2) a protocol for severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies detection in saliva and (3) a thrombin generation assay by continuous subsampling and analysis of coagulation-activated plasma with parallel operations including timers, iterative cycles of synchronous flow and stop-flow operations. MCRs are untethered from and unencumbered by peripherals, encode programs structurally in situ and can form a frugal, versatile, bona fide lab-on-a-chip with wide-ranging applications in liquid handling and point-of-care diagnostics.