Herein, a sulphate enhanced photoelectrochemical degradation method using peroxymonosulfate (PEC/PMS) and FTO-Bi2WO6 as photoanode is reported. The FTO-Bi2WO6 electrode was fabricated through electrodeposition and calcination route. The FTO-Bi2WO6 produced a good photocurrent response of up to 6.62 μAcm−2 with an applied potential of 1.5 V (vs Ag/AgCl). When the electrode was applied for PEC/PMS degradation of pharmaceuticals, 98%, 83% and 79% removal was recorded for sulfamethoxazole, diclofenac chloride and tetracycline, respectively within 90 min with a bias potential of 1.0 V and 3 mM PMS. Hence, the PEC/PMS system with FTO-Bi2WO6 photoanode is suitable for the removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater.