Optical Tamm state with sharp reflection dip provides the sensing potential combined with high sensitivity. In this paper, we numerically demonstrate that narrowband refractive index sensing can be realized in a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) structure with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). Here, we show that the sensitivity and narrowband properties can not only be regularly governed by different analyte thickness but also exhibit dependence on the number of DBR pairs and the thickness of the hBN layer. With varying the analyte index and optimized analyte thickness, the deep reflectance dip can be sustained with the sensitivity (figure of merit, FOM) close to 3.02 µm/RIU (1093/RIU). In addition, the different analyte categories can be detected through adjusting the thickness of the analyte-filled cavity. High sensitivity, combined with ultra-high FOM originated from strong Tamm phonon mode, offers a promising platform to detect the smallest variation of the refractive index.